How Do You Fancy the Name of "Bandit" for a Little Boy?
P.B. Bear: "When is my little brother coming out of your tummy, Mommy?"
Me: "Well, he has a lot of growing to do first, so it won't be for a while yet."
P.B. Bear: "How big is my baby brother?"
Me: "Um, well, he's about the size of Miss Stormy or Miss Penny right now."
P.B. Bear: "Oh, Mommy, hurray! I'm so 'cited! My baby brother is a ferret!!!!"
Me: "Well, he has a lot of growing to do first, so it won't be for a while yet."
P.B. Bear: "How big is my baby brother?"
Me: "Um, well, he's about the size of Miss Stormy or Miss Penny right now."
P.B. Bear: "Oh, Mommy, hurray! I'm so 'cited! My baby brother is a ferret!!!!"
*that's* funny.
hey, i hope i can find those kissables in a store here in NZ.
i am addicted to chocolate (ok, i know, which girl isn't??)
but they sound divine :o)
skatey katie, at Thursday, November 02, 2006 2:07:00 AM
Ha! Thanks for the smile. I needed it.
Dana, at Thursday, November 02, 2006 1:19:00 PM
Oh - it's a BOY!! I hadn't seen your news earlier. Hooray and congratulations! Having "brothers" in the house is so much fun. :)
Jennifer, at Thursday, November 02, 2006 2:07:00 PM
Yay! A boy! Brothers!!
Piece of Work, at Friday, November 03, 2006 12:35:00 PM
hehehe! priceless! :D
Reminds me of some cute things my older daughter said about her younger sister... (They're close in age & a photo of one is on my site now...)
Anonymous, at Sunday, November 05, 2006 3:21:00 PM
Congrats on the boy news (tuning in late and ducking head in shame). Won't Liam be surprised in a few months when his brother turns out not to resemble a ferret in the least! Too cute... this is the stuff that family lore is made of. :)
Rebecca, at Tuesday, November 07, 2006 2:48:00 PM
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