Come, Mommy

Monday, January 30, 2006

Mommy Can't Read!

Well, in fact, she can. And that was the problem. Trying to get some quiet time out of my non-napping toddler this afternoon, I picked up a magazine while Liam was playing with a puzzle on the floor. And then Mr. Tired Guy lost it. He ran over to me crying, "Mommy can't read!"

Too tired to immediately grasp what he meant, I took the literal meaning of his words and responded, "Well, sure I can, honey!" At which point several puzzle pieces were tossed on my magazine, and a tired little boy climbed in my lap. He looked up with a smile and said, "Mommy can't read. Baby needs Mommy now."

Aw, now I get it, sweetie. And I definitely can't read, not when you need to cuddle.


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