Come, Mommy

Friday, July 20, 2007

Safe Travels

We arrived in Chicago safe and sound, although I think Liam set a new record as to how many "why????" questions one child could ask in the time it takes to drive from our house to the airport. He was terrific during all the check-in and security rigamarole, even though he was obviously tired and on the verge of a meltdown....

...and in fact he collapsed shortly after take-off. He didn't even wake up for the snack service, so I know he was tired.

Kieran was awake for a lot of the trip, although he did sleep at the end. He was quite happy the whole time, though, so it was a fun flight. As we were getting off the plane one of the flight crew said to us, "You guys have great kids!"
Well, yup, we do think they're great kids, but don't you love it when the equation
1 Quiet Baby + 1 Sleeping Preschooler = 2 Great Kids
is the rule of the day?
We got a car to the hotel, got registered, and took went back to the room for a room service dinner. Both kids are sound asleep, and I think they'll be sleeping late in the morning since they are both really tired.
We had one small crisis today - my wallet got lost on the plane, which went on to LA after landing in Chicago. We called Southwest's lost and found in both Chicago and LA, but no one has turned the wallet in. If it hasn't been found by morning we'll have to replace a couple of credit cards. Of course, my driver's license was in there, so it might be interesting trying to get me back on a plane for home next week since I have no other forms of ID with me.
Oh well, there's nothing to be done about it tonight...
Tomorrow is another day - Kieran and I are going to hear Peggy O-Mara of 'Mothering' magazine fame speak, and Liam and Kevin are going to the Museum of Science and Industry, aka "The Jet Museum." It should be a fun day!

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