Come, Mommy

Sunday, July 15, 2007

16 Weeks Of Brotherhood

Thank you to everyone for your get well wishes. I'm feeling much better, and I have a newfound respect for mastitis. I didn't quite appreciate before how it could just knock you flat, but boy howdy, it can. Thank goodness for antibiotics!

Here's the current round-up, abbreviated since I'm still trying to get some extra rest...

The boys and I have developed this ritual of going to the park every morning. This happened to be the morning I got sick. I had Kieran in the stroller as it was a bit hot for slinging.

LiamNo Name Diesel Engine on his new favorite thing, the swings.

No, I have no idea where this name came from.

Then I got sick and went to bed, taking the baby with me. Here he is contemplating whether 'tis better to chew the Wild Doggie or the thumb.

Look out world, it's a rolling baby!!

The elder son continues to inflict unfortunate fashion choices on his sibling.

And the classic brotherhood picture - look how big Kieran's getting next to his brother.

And that is it for now. I'm going back to bed. More posts to come as health and circumstances dictate.

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